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We help public agencies

Our Services

Rauch Communication Consultants has been serving special
districts and local governments for almost fifty years statewide.

Build Consensus on Strategic Priorities

We can help you evaluate critical challenges, develop direction, goals, priorities, and action plans to resolve them.

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Improve Board Governance and Effectiveness

Is your board struggling to work together, with your Chief Executive, neighboring agencies, or fellow JPA members?

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Update and Modernize Web/Online Presence

Do you need help building, updating, improving, adding new features, functionality or content to your website?

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Gain Needed Public Support For Your District

We are experts in every communication medium to help you gain the, understanding, and support your District needs.

more info.
  1. Evaluate Where You Stand
  2. Address Future Challenges
  3. Identify a Long-Term Vision
  4. Set Goals
  5. Agree to Priorities
  6. Build a Practical Work Plan
“This Plan was impressive for how efficient the process was and it got to the point in a practical and useful way. This one has check points and useful targets and tasks regularly thru next year.”
— Director, Novato Sanitary District


  1. Improve Board Effectiveness
  2. Clarify Roles and Relationships
  3. Improve Working Relationships
  4. Update Policies and Procedures
“Our board was having a tough time communicating between ourselves, and unable to communicate with staff. The workshop you put together for us has given us a clear vision and made all the difference in the world.”
Three Valleys Municipal Water District


Board Governance
  1. Complete a Full Web Rebuild
  2. Offer Online Forms
  3. Add Interactive Features
  4. Improve Usability
  5. Build an Easy-to-Update Content Management System

Special Features

  • AgendaOne easy to use agenda tool
  • Custom Forms
  • Fully accessible to meet Americans with Disability Act Requirements
  • Active tracking and support to reply with legal requirements for local governments


  1. Earn Support for Major Projects and Programs
  2. Gain Productive Input from Stakeholder
  3. Improve Social Media and E-Communication
  4. Conduct Effective Virtual or In-Person Meetings
“Thank you…for a fine overall public relations campaign. Your media outreach, organizing large public meetings, support materials, letters, press release, and newsletter all helped to positively change the public attitude about water in the Ojai Valley and west Ventura County.”
— Chuck Bennett, Director, Casitas Municipal Water District

